Follow these steps to integrate a .NET WinForms application with Thinfinity VirtualUI:
Open Microsoft Visual Studio.
Open the application's project you want to integrate with.
Right-click on the project name in the 'Solution Explorer' panel and then select 'Add' - 'Existing Item'. Look for the Thinfinity.VirtualUI.cs file, which is typically located in c:\Program Files\Thinfinity\VirtualUI\Dev\dotNet\.
In the program.cs file add a line as follows:
Compile your program and run it in debug mode.
You will see this message:
If you press the 'Start Web Browser' button, a web browser will open pointing to the application. The application will also open in desktop mode.
Alternatively, choose to not show the message and observe on the Windows Tray Bar that the Thinfinity VirtualUI Development Server icon will appear.
You can right-click on the icon, and after that click on the 'Open Web Browser' menu.
A Web browser window will open and your application will be running inside.
You can also click on the 'Server Manager' menu of the tray bar icon to access the Development Server Manager.
Read more:
o Compiling and Testing a Delphi Application
o Compiling and Testing a C++ Application
o Registering the Application in Thinfinity VirtualUI Server
When you run your application under an IDE, it automatically starts in web mode. To access the application, open your web browser and point to
UI Remoting is made simple with Thinfinity VirtualUI. All it takes is adding one or two lines of code in your applications, compiling and, then configuring VirtualUI Server to show it.
Read more:
o Compiling and Testing a WinForms Application
o Compiling and Testing a Delphi Application
o Compiling and Testing a C++ Application
o Registering the Application in Thinfinity VirtualUI Server
The application execution behavior will depend on how the application is run.
· Windows Shell
When the application is executed from the Windows Shell, it will behave as a standard Windows application.
· Development Environment
When the application is executed under a Development Environment (such as Microsoft Visual Studio or Embarcadero Delphi), an instance of VirtualUI Server running in development mode will be started, and the application will be seen both as an standard Windows application and as a Web application.
· VirtualUI Sever's Web Page:
If the application is launched from a VirtualUI Server's page, it will run as a web application.
Follow these steps to integrate a C++ application with Thinfinity VirtualUI:
Open Visual Studio.
Open the application's project.
Add the path to the VirtualUI library in the 'Include Directories' field, which can be found in the main menu under Project - Properties - Configuration Properties - VC++ Directories).
Add Thinfinity.VirtualUI.cpp to the Source Files.
Add Thinfinity.VirtualUI.h to the Header Files.
Include Thinfinity.VirtualUI.h in the application`s cpp:
#include "Thinfinity.VirtualUI.h"
Create a VirtualUI instance of the program and start it.
Compile the program and run it in debug mode.
You will see this message:
If you press the 'Start Web Browser' button, a web browser will open pointing to the application. The application will also open in desktop mode.
Alternatively, choose to not show the message and observe on the Windows Tray Bar that the Thinfinity VirtualUI Development Server icon will appear.
Right-click on the icon, and after that click on the 'Open Web Browser' menu.
A Web browser window will open and your application will be running inside.
Click on the 'Server Manager' menu to access the Development Server Manager.
Read more:
o Compiling and Testing a WinForms Application
o Compiling and Testing a Delphi Application
o Registering the Application in Thinfinity VirtualUI Server
Follow these steps to integrate a Delphi VCL application with Thinfinity VirtualUI:
Open Delphi.
Open the application's project.
Add the VirtualUI_AutoRun unit to the 'Uses' clause of the project source file. This unit will typically be located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinfinity\VirtualUI\dev\Delphi folder.
Compile the program and run it in debug mode.
You will see this message:
If you press the 'Start Web Browser' button, a web browser will open pointing to the application. The application will also open in desktop mode.
Alternatively, choose to not show the message and observe on the Windows tray bar that the Thinfinity VirtualUI Development Server icon will appear.
Right-click on the icon, and after that click on the 'Open Web Browser' menu.
A Web browser window will open and your application will be running inside.
Click on the 'Server Manager' menu to access the Development Server Manager.
Read more:
o Compiling and Testing a WinForms Application
o Compiling and Testing a C++ Application
o Registering the Application in Thinfinity VirtualUI Server
Follow the next steps to access registered applications using the web browser:
Open your preferred web browser.
a. Check the 'Open in a new browser window' option if you want the application to be opened in another tab.
b. Click on the corresponding icon of the application you want to access.
Authenticated users can log out with the 'Logout' button in the top right corner of the web interface.
Read more:
Below you'll find a list for all the available demos for Thinfinity VirtualUI :
· Delphi Demos :
· C++ Demos:
· C#:
When you run your application under an IDE, it automatically starts in web mode. To access the application, open your web browser and point to
When you run your application under an IDE, it automatically starts in web mode. To access the application, open your web browser and point to
Type in the application URL. This URL is composed of the server URL plus the Virtual Path configured for the application, i.e.
Alternatively, leave the Virtual Path as the root path using just . In this case, a page with the list of applications will show up, unless you have , in which case you will be connected to the Default Application.
Now the application needs to be registered on Thinfinity VirtualUI Server. By doing this, the application will get published on the web server and will be available to be run from the web.
We assume you have already Compiled and tested your application with the Thinfinity VirtualUI runtime units.
To create an application profile, follow these steps:
Open the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server Manager, available in the Start Menu.
Go to the 'Applications' tab.
Click on the 'Add' button.
Name the application and inform the application path and file name.
You can check the 'Default Application' option to bypass the Thinfinity VirtualUI landing page and go directly to the selected profile. You can access the rest of the profiles through their virtual path urls.
Press 'OK' and 'Apply' on the Server Manager screen.
Now the application is ready to be reached on the Web.
Read more:
· Accessing the App from the Web