On top of the events detailed in Life Cycle of jsRO Objects, events can be created in the application that are defined by the programmer and when fired will be propagated from the application to the browser.
The following example shows how to add a personalized event to an object and how this can be handled from Javascript. In this case we'll expose, as a JSON, the mouse coordinates.
Definition and use of an event in Delphi:
Definition and use of an event in .Net:
Definition and use of an event in C#:
To handle the event in Javascript, please note that the Javascript syntax for the personalized events differs slightly from the syntax for the model events, since it's declared directly associated to the name of the jsRO (without the "model"):
In order to achieve more interaction between the remote application and the browser, the object model provided by jsRO allows the creation of remote methods and events defined in the application by the developer. Both the methods and the events are created and added to a model. While the methods can be invoked from the browser to remotely execute the application's own actions, the events are fired from the application to the browser, where they can be handled by the corresponding callback.
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The remote jsRO methods allow you to make the application's own actions available to be invoked from Javascript.
When the invokation of a method arrives to the application from the browser, two events are fired: the first is OnMethodExecuted, at the level of the JSObject object, which receives all the methods calls from the browser; the second is OnCall, and it happens at the level of the remote method.
If the invoked method is a function (if it returns a value), the value will be returned and propagated to the browser, where it will be handled asynchronously by a callback defined as the last argument in the call to the method.
The following examples show how to add a method to an object and how it can be called from Javascript. In this case, we create a method called multiply, which will receive two integer type arguments as parameters and will return the result of the product between them. This result will be shown in the callback to the method call.
Method definition in Delphi:
Method definition in .Net:
Method definition in C#:
Invoke the method in order to run it from Javascript. Use a callback in case the result needs to be retrieved (like in this case):
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