In order to configure a load balancing scenario, you need at least one Gateway installation and two Server installations.
Configuring the Gateway Roles
Under this role, VirtualUI responds to all web-page requests and, when a connection is solicited, it selects the appropriate Server to forward that request to.
To configure the Gateway, open the Gateway Manager. Set the IP and port where the Gateway will run. If you only have one gateway, this is where the users will connect to. If you use more than one Gateway in your architecture, you will use this IP in the DNS server you set up to distribute the connection between the Gateways.
Also, set the Network ID. All the Gateway and Server installations involved in a Load Balancing architecture share the same network ID.
Configuring the Server Roles
Under this role, VirtualUI only processes forwarded connections. The Broker is responsible for establishing and processing the connections assigned by the Gateway.
To configure the Broker, open the Server Manager and go the 'Broker' tab. Press the 'Add' button to add a gateway to the Gateway List.
This means that now this server's resources can be accessed through the listed gateways.
· Make sure that the Network ID is the same for all the gateways and servers involved in this load balancing architecture.
Then, go to the 'Applications' tab:
Set the 'Database Path' field in a network location that you can access from the other Server role installations.
Once you share the database path, all the information in the 'Applications' tab will be shared with other VirtualUI installations. Make sure you modify the Applications information from one installation at a time, as all changes will be reflected in the other installations.
Also, make sure all the Gateways' IPs are public to the locations that will access Thinfinity VirtualUI through a web browser.
Read more:
· Scaling and Load Balancing Configurations
· Configuring the 'General' tab
· Configuring the 'Sessions' tab
In this section you will learn how to set up Thinfinity VirtualUI's components in a load-balancing network configuration.
Choose the Load Balancing mode in the Server Installation Options screen:
Two or more servers will participate in the load balancing/fault-tolerance scenario. These are the two possible roles for an installation:
Reverse Gateway Role: Under this role, VirtualUI responds to all web-page requests and, when a connection is solicited, it selects the appropriate Brokerto forward that request to.
In case any established connection fails, or a Broker falls down, the Gateway will be able to reconnect to the Broker that has the highest availability at the moment.
All the system settings and profiles are centralized and shared between the Servers.
Broker, Web Services and Virtualization Services Role: Under this role, VirtualUI only processes forwarded connections. The Broker is responsible for establishing and processing the connections assigned by the Gateway. A Broker Role installation also includes the option to enable multiple RDS accounts.
Before configuring a distributed environment, you should go over some steps:
Choose out of the possible Scaling and Load Balancing Configurations the one that best fits your needs.
Plan which machines will work under the Broker Role, and which under the Gateway Role and DNS Servers.
Make sure all the Gateway Roles IP addresses are public to the web browsers that will access Thinfinity VirtualUI.
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In order to install the License Server Manager, please , follow these steps :
1.Download the installer from this link:
Execute the installer on the target machine.
The InstallShield Wizard will be displayed. Click on "Next".
Select "I accept the terms in the license agreement", and click on "Next".
Click on "Install".
Once the installation is complete, you will be given the option to start the License Server Manager .
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Pressing the 'Add' button and the appropriate product will open the Product Registration Wizard. In this case , we are going to chose "Thinfinity VirtualUI 2.5":
Select this option to receive a 30 day trial serial.
Select this option to register your Cybele Software, Inc product.
Select this option to register a license offline.
This is how the "Activate a Serial Number Online" windows looks:
Enter the e-mail address you've registered with.
Enter the serial information we provided you.
Licensing Server URL
If you installed the License Server administrator, enter the License Server URL. Otherwise leave this blank.
If the license information is incorrect, you will see this warning: "The license information is invalid". In this case, please verify the following:
That you are entering the exact email and Serial number sent to you. The best practice to do this correctly is to copy - paste it, being careful not to include any space after or before.
That you have a working internet connection. If you intend to install it in a machine with no internet connection, you can try the Offline activation. If you have internet restrictions because of a proxy, please verify the license server manager has the proxy's information configured in the Communications tab.
If you need additional help, contact us.
If the license information is correct, the License Manager will let you know that "The new license has been installed successfully" and its information will be show in the License Manager.
Read more:
· Get a new Trial Serial Number
· Activate a Serial Number Offline
If you arrive to the conclusion that your Thinfinity VirtualUI environment would benefit from using Load Balancing, you can choose between different scenarios. This decision is an essential step in planning the hardware scheme and configuring the system to work in a distributed way.
Scenario 1: Multiple RDS accounts
This architecture involves only one computer. Each RDS session creates a Server instance which can, in turn, handle application instances separately. The VirtualUI Broker administrates the server instances: checks up on them to see if they are functional, and works together with the Gateway to distribute the connections.
Scenario 2: Multiple Servers with Load Balancing
In this simple scenario, a single Gateway distributes the connection load between a number of Servers.
Scenario 3: Multiple Gateways and Servers with Load Balancing
This example combines a external load balancing DNS Server with multiple Gateways. The scheme is composed by multiple Servers, multiple Gateways and the DNS Server, its domain name associated to all the available Gateways' IPs.
Scenario 4: Multiple RDS accounts and multiple Servers with Load Balancing
Combine load balancing with multiple RDS sessions to get the most out of your architecture.
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Scaling and load balancing come into play when one machine is not capable of managing all the required resources. Too many concurrent connections or virtualized application that handle a lot of graphics, sound or other elements that require a great availability of resources may cause an overload.
Thinfinity VirtualUI provides components that allow you to distribute the workload across multiple Windows sessions, as well as multiple servers. You can scale the application availability in terms of applications instances —and user accesses— and failover scenarios in order to achieve optimal resource utilization and avoid overload.
Some of the benefits of load balancing:
· Avoids the overload by distributing the connections among different servers
· Minimizes response time
· More reliability (redundancy)
· Failover control
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Now that we have added a license to the License Server Manager, we need to bind that License to all the Brokers that are Load Balanced.
· In order to do this, you need to open the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server manager, navigate to the "Licenses" tab , and click on the "Manage" button.
· Click on the "Add" button :
· Select "Activate a Serial Number online" and press "Next" :
· Type in your license information ( E-mail + Serial ) , and add the License Server URL and Port number in the "Licensing Server URL" field :
· If the License Server is available and has that Serial number registered, then the license will be registered successfully :
· Repeat the proccess for all the Brokers you want to share the same license.
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In order to enable multiple RDS accounts, go to the 'Sessions' tab and and select the "One Browser per Windows session: option:
One Browser per Session options
Allow running third-party applications
Check this option to enable Thinfinity VirtualUI to run directly under a Windows Interactive session.
Use these credentials
Check this option to enable Thinfinity VirtualUI to run under a specific Windows account.
User name
Enter the username for the Remote Desktop Services session you want Thinfinity VirtualUI to run applications under.
Enter the password for the Remote Desktop Services session you want Thinfinity VirtualUI to run applications under.
Test the credentials entered to verify that the username and password are correct and can access RDS.
Use VirtualUI's logged-in credentials
Check this option to enable Thinfinity VirtualUI to run under the logged in User's credentials.
The accounts must have administrator permissions or should have access to the following folders :
* FileSystem:
- C:\ProgramData\Cybele Software\Thinfinity\VirtualUI
- C:\Users\Public\Documents\Cybele Software\Thinfinity\VirtualUI
* RDP Access to the Machine is also required for the configured accounts to properly work.
Starting from, VirtualUI includes two different types of session handling modes. These options are only availble if you select the "Run under this account" option.
Note: In order to use this feature, Thinfinity VirtualUI must be installed in a Windows Server where the Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) role service is installed.
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Now that all your instances are working in Load Balancing , it's time to share your license over multiple servers.
The License Server Manager lets you register your licenses remotely, and you can use it to share your licenses over multiple servers across multiple installations .
Read more:
This option will allow you to request a 30 day trial license with unlimited access. You will be prompt to enter a valid name and e-mail address.
Once you filled this information hit 'Next' and check your in-box for the serial key.
Read more:
· Activate a Serial Number Online
· Activate a Serial Number Offline
Manual Activation is an activation option only for those cases when you want to activate your product in a machine that has no internet connection, or an internet connection restricted by heavy security policies that block a regular activation.
· If you haven't tried a regular activation, follow these instructions: Activate a Serial Number Online.
· If your internet restrictions are caused by a proxy, you will need to add the proxy information in the Communications tab
Before you continue with the steps to perform a manual activation, please contact us.
Once you've selected Activate a Serial Number Offline. You will see the following pop up:
Enter the license Serial number to generate the manual activation key
Generate Manual Key
After you have entered the serial number, press this button to generate the Manual Activation Key.
Manual Activation Key
Manual License
The support team will reply with the Manual License, a code that you will enter in the field above.
Press this button once you have performed the previous steps to complete your license activation.
Read more:
After you press the 'Generate Manual Key' button, a Manual Activation Key will appear in this field. Send this Manual Activation Key to .