Properties can be divided in two groups: matching properties and applying properties.
Matching properties are those used to test the browser and device properties (such as the browser user agent, the device pixel ratio, the display orientation width and height, etc.) in order to choose the best model for each case.
Matches any device with a specific pixel ratio.
Matches any mobile device.
Matches any device with the specified orientation: landscape or portrait.
Matches any device with a screen height in the specified range. This range is expressed as From-To (for example, 900-1200).
Matches any device with a screen width in the specified range. This range is expressed as From-To (for example, 400-600).
Matches any device with a specified screen height.
Matches any device with a specified screen width.
Matches devices by comparing the device browser user agent to the string value supplied. This string is a regular expression.
Applying properties are those used to determine the final size and resolution.
Use the parent-model property to set the parent model:
Establish the parent model for this model.
The following properties deal with the display resolution:
Overrides the original device pixel ratio, scaling the content accordingly.
This property determines the maximum device pixel ratio accepted. The lesser of the device’s device pixel ratio and this value is applied to scale the display.
The following properties deal with the screen size of the remote desktop, in pixels. You can determine it by setting the actual height and width, or by establishing maximum and minimum values for these properties.
Remote desktop height.
Remote desktop width.
Remote desktop maximum height.
Remote desktop maximum width.
Remote desktop minimum height.
Remote desktop minimum width.
The following properties allow you to specify device screen areas that will never be used for displaying the remote connection, such as when a browser or device bar cannot be hidden and uses up screen space. These margins will be excluded for screen size calculations.
Width of an area at the left of the device screen that will not be used for displaying the remote desktop.
Width of an area at the bottom of the device screen that will not be used for displaying the connection.
Width of an area at the right of the device screen that will not be used for displaying the connection.
Width of an area at the top of the device screen that will not be used for displaying the connection.
Miscellaneous properties:
For mobile only. If the device’s browser supports the full-screen mode, this property indicates the remote desktop size should be calculated to occupy the whole screen. When not in full screen, the content will be scaled.
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· Examples