When accessing an application through the web interface of VirtualUI, a toolbar can be found by moving the mouse (or tapping, for mobile devices) near the bottom of the screen.
The DockMenu Widget presents the following buttons:
Windows list
This button shows the available application windows. Use it to switch between different forms of the application. For example, if a form is not accessible because it ended up below a bigger one.
Error reporting
Press this button to send us an error report. You can edit the subject, descriptions, and details. The 'Details' field is automatically populated with browser information that will help us understand any potential problem. This information does not include any Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
Use this button to dock or undock the web toolbar to the bottom of the screen. Dock it so that it doesn't disappear when you move away from it. Undock it if you don't want it to show all the time.
Browser Capabilities Info
Displays information about the current browser capabilities.
The mobile version of this toolbar also includes these additional options:
Full Screen
This button toggles the full screen mode in mobile devices where this is supported.
Open Keyboard
Force the mobile keyboard to open.