A certificate called "self-signed.pem" is included with the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server installation. You will find it inside the \cert directory, located inside the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server application path.
If you want to use this default certificate you should have the files set as the image below:
You'll find these settings inside the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server Settings 'General' tab, by editing the binding on the 'Manage certificate' button.
Because this certificate is not issued by a known Certificate Authority (CA), the web browsers will warn you they can not verify its authority.
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An SSL certificate is an effective way to secure a website against unauthorized interception of data. At its simplest, an SSL Certificate is used to identify the website and encrypt all data flowing to and from the Certificate holder's web site. This makes all exchanges between the site and its visitors 100 percent private.
Access the SSL certificates configuration by pressing "New" button when you are editing the Binding and the Protocol used is HTTPS:
Managing the SSL Certificate
A valid SSL certificate is included with the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server installation. This allows you to encrypt all communications with the product's default certificate. However, browsers will tipically show a security warning. Your communications are encrypted, but the browser notices the name on the certificate is not your company's. You may want to create your own certificate to identify your company and avoid this.
There are two ways of creating your own SSL certificate:
a. Creating A self-signed certificate
b. Using A CA Certificate
Once you already have your certificate files, go to the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server Settings 'General' tab.
Click on the 'Manage Certificate' option.
On this screen you should inform the location of the certificate files, as follows:
Certificate File
Inform the path to the certificate file.
CA File
If the certificate is issued by a unknown CA, you should fill in the pathname to the CA certificate.
Private Key
You should inform the pathname to the certificate private key file.
Pass Phrase
Inform the password that was used, if any, when the private key was generated.
Note: The path names can be absolute (C:\MyCertPath\UserThisCert.pem) or relative to the path where Thinfinity VirtualUI Server is installed (\cert\UserThisCert.perm).
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· The Default Embedded Certificate
In order to use this option you will have to get a certificate from a known Certificate Authority (CA). Some CA examples are GoDaddy, VeriSign, Thawte, GeoTrust and Network Solutions.
The CA will ask you for a "certificate request". Create one following the next steps:
Go to the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server 'General' tab.
Press the 'Edit' button on the binding you wish to change the SSL certificate.
Press the 'New' button and the 'Create a certificate request' button.
Fill in the form below with your organization data:
Country Code
The two letter country code of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 3166)
Full unabbreviated name of the state or province your organization is located.
Full unabbreviated name of the city where your organization is located.
The name your company is legally registered under.
Organizational Unit
Use this field to differentiate between divisions within an organization.
Common Name
The domain name or URL you plan to use this certificate with.
E-Mail Address
Company e-mail address.
We recommend using a 2048 length key.
The 'Common Name' field should be filled with the server+domain that will be used to access Thinfinity VirtualUI server (ThinfinityVirtualUI.mycompany.com)
Press 'Create' and the application will generate two files.
The first window will ask you for a location to keep the private key file: "Where do you want the private key file to be stored".
a. Inform a name for your private key.
b. Select a place to keep it safe.
c. Press the 'Save' button.
The second window will ask you for a location to keep the request file: "Where do you want the request file to be stored.".
a. Inform a name for the request file.
b. Select a directory where you can find the file later on to send to the CA.
c. Press the 'Save' button.
The first file is the certificate private key. It should always be kept safe with you.
Send only the request file to the CA.
After the CA validation process, place the certificate they sent to you in the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server cert directory and inform the path to the files on Thinfinity VirtualUI Server Manager, Manage Certificate option (Certificate file, CA file and Private Key).
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This is how the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server Manager looks in a Standard Mode installation.
You will find the following options:
A list of the gateway's ports that a user can connect to in order to access this server's resources.
Add a new binding to the Gateway Bindings.
Edit the selected binding
Remove a binding Bindings list.
Navigates to the selected binding.
Enable external access in Windows Firewall
Adds the currently configured bindings on the Windows Firewall exception list. This is mandatory for certain Windows Firewall configurations.
Network ID
The network ID identifies this installation. Thinfinity Remote Desktop Servers that want to share their resources through one or more Gateways must match their Network ID.
Press this button to see and/or change the Network ID. The default value is a random string but you can change it to something more descriptive.
Show Log
Press to open the file with the Thinfinity VirtualUI log.
Always remember to press 'Apply' in order to save the changes.
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This option is used to create your own self-sign certificate.
Go to the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server 'General' tab.
Press the 'Edit' button on the binding you wish to change the SSL certificate.
Press the 'New' button and the 'Create a self-signed certificate' button.
Fill in the form below with your organization data:
Country Code
The two letter country code of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 3166)
Full unabbreviated name of the state or province your organization is located.
Full unabbreviated name of the city where your organization is located.
The name your company is legally registered under.
Organizational Unit
Use this field to differentiate between divisions within an organization.
Common Name
The domain name or URL you plan to use this certificate with.
E-Mail Address
Company e-mail address.
We recommend using a 2048 length key.
The 'Common Name' field should be filled with the server+domain that will be used to access Thinfinity VirtualUI Server (ThinfinityVirtualUI.mycompany.com).
Press 'Create'.
Select the location where you want the certificate to be stored.
The application will start using this self-signed certificate created by you.
Because this certificate is not issued by a known Certificate Authority (CA), the web browsers will warn you they can not verify its authority.
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