In the Thinfinity VirtualUI Manager 'Sessions' tab you will find the following options:
Available Modes
Shared Windows Session
Select this option to run multiple applications in the same RDS Session.
One Browser per Session
Select this option to run applications on individual RDS Sessions. This improves performance but at a higher resource cost.
Shared Windows Session options :
Use the current interactive session or console
Check this option to enable Thinfinity VirtualUI to run applications under the current interactive or console session.
Use the Autologon option in conjunction with 'Use the current interactive session or console ' for automatic login of the configured user to the Windows Session
Use these credentials
Check this option to enable Thinfinity VirtualUI to run under a specific Windows account.
User name
Enter the username for the Remote Desktop Services session you want Thinfinity VirtualUI to run applications under.
Enter the password for the Remote Desktop Services session you want Thinfinity VirtualUI to run applications under.
Test the credentials entered to verify that the username and password are correct and can access RDS.
One Browser per Session options
Allow running third-party applications
Check this option to enable Thinfinity VirtualUI to run directly under a Windows Interactive session.
Use these credentials
Check this option to enable Thinfinity VirtualUI to run under a specific Windows account.
User name
Enter the username for the Remote Desktop Services session you want Thinfinity VirtualUI to run applications under.
Enter the password for the Remote Desktop Services session you want Thinfinity VirtualUI to run applications under.
Test the credentials entered to verify that the username and password are correct and can access RDS.
Use VirtualUI's logged-in credentials
Check this option to enable Thinfinity VirtualUI to run under the logged in User's credentials.
Always remember to press 'Apply' in order to save the changes and restart the VirtualUI services.
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