In the Thinfinity VirtualUI Application Editor 'Access Hours' tab, you can define the day and time your application will be available to your users.
Access Permitted
Define which day and hour the application will be available.
Access Denied
Define which day and hour the application will be disabled.
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In the Thinfinity VirtualUI Application Editor 'Credentials' tab, you should inform the mode for logging into the specified application:
Use server's account
Use the same credentials entered in the 'Sessions' tab.
Note: If the credentials are correct, this option will connect the user automatically when selecting the application, or after authenticating for Thinfinity VirtualUI if this is the only profile for their credentials
Use the authenticated
Use the same credentials entered in the browser for Thinfinity VirtualUI (specified in the 'Permissions' tab).
Note: If the credentials are correct, this option will connect the user automatically when selecting the application, or after authenticating for Thinfinity VirtualUI if this is the only profile for their credentials.
Use these
Complete the credentials used to access the computer.
Note: If the credentials are correct, this option will connect the user automatically when selecting the application, or after authenticating for Thinfinity VirtualUI if this is the only profile for their credentials.
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In the Thinfinity VirtualUI Application Editor 'Restrictions' tab, you can white list or black list the IP addresses which are allowed to connect to the configured application.
No restrictions
No restriction over which IP Addresses will be able to connect to the application.
Allow only from these IPs
Allow connections from the listed IP Addresses.
Block connections from these IPs
Block connections from the listed IP Addresses.
Add an IP Address to the list
Remove an IP Address from the list
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In the Thinfinity VirtualUI Application Editor 'Authentication Methods' tab, you can define which application will be available after authenticating to Thinfinity.
The Authentication Methods available in the list are those configured in the 'Authentication' tab of the VirtualUI Server Manager.
No restrictions
No restriction on the authentication method used.
Only users authenticated with these methods
Only the users authenticated with the selected methods will be able to see and connect to the configured application.
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Select the users that will access this application. If you don't select any user, this application will not be accessed.
These are the options you will find on the Application Profile Editor 'Permissions' tab:
Allow anonymous access
Check this option to make this application available without any authentication. Use this option if you want this profile to be available for everyone. This means that everybody accessing Thinfinity VirtualUI will have access to this application. Checking this option will disable the Add and Remove buttons.
Press 'Add' to access the windows dialog for selecting Active Directory users.
Press 'Remove' to remove a user for this profile.
If you want a user or a user group to access more than one application, you need to create more application profiles and then add this user to each profile.
The authenticated user will be able to choose from the available application profiles on the Web interface.
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In the Application Profile Editor 'General' tab you will find the following options:
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Program path and file name
Specify the complete path that gives access to the application executable file.
Application arguments.
Start in the following folder
Inform a context directory for the application set on the 'Program path and file name' field.
Choose from the available list of resolutions including 'Fit to browser window' and 'Fit to screen', ideal for hiding the browser and working on a full screen mode.
Browser rules file
Sepcify the location of a file composed of a ruleset to adjust the remote desktop resolution according. .
Reconnection Timeout
Set a timeout in minutes if you want Thinfinity VirtualUI Server to wait this period before killing the application once the browser has been closed.
Timeout 0 will kill the application immediately after the browser has been closed.
When you edit or add an application profile you will be presented with this screen below.
The radio button 'Application' must be checked.
These are the profile properties you can edit:
Use this field to change the application name.
Virtual Path
The Virtual Path will create a unique URL address for this connection. The complete path will consist of: http(s)://ip:port/VirtualPath/. The users can then create a web shortcut to this connection in particular and bypass the Thinfinity VirtualUI web interface.
Home Page
Choose the landing HTML page for the application.
Press this button to look for the Home Page.
Access Key
Click on the Icon gray box to load an image to be associated with the profile. The image will be presented along with the profile name on the web interface profiles selection.
Application/Web link
Select the Application option to have a regular profile that gives access to an application.
If you select the Web link radio button, this profile will behave like a Web Hyperlink.
Default Application
Check this option to make this profile the default application: the authenticated user will connect to this profile directly instead of choosing between the available profiles. The rest of the profiles can be accessed by their Virtual Path.
The properties located inside the tabs will be described throughout the next subtopics.
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This is a unique key for this application profile. The value is used to identify the application when implementing access through the method.