For these dialogs, you can use the standard dialogs or our web-native alternative.
The standard dialog is handled by Windows in the computer where Thinfinity VirtualUI Server is installed. The web dialog runs in the client machine. This can make a difference, for example, when opening a file: a standard dialog will show the server's files and folder, while the web dialog will show the client file system.
Set this option using the StdDialogs property, set it to 'true' to use the standard dialog, and set it to 'false' to use Thinfinity VirtualUI web dialogs. Check the Symbol reference for the programming language you have chosen.
The File Dialogs implemented in Thinfinity® VirtualUI™ are:
Usage Example
SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog;
SaveDialog1.Title := 'Save As...';
SaveDialog1.Filter := '*.txt';
SaveDialog1.FileName := 'somefile.txt';
This is how the dialog is shown on each platform:
Windows Platform
HTML5 Platform
Standard Dialog:
Non Standard Dialog:
Usage Example
OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
OpenDialog1.Title := 'Open file';
This is how the dialog is shown on each platform:
Windows Platform
HTML5 Platform
Standard Dialog:
Non Standard Dialog:
In order to open a File from the remote machine the user will be able to make an upload of one local file into the server.