Last updated
Last updated
In the Application Profile Editor 'General' tab you will find the following options:
Program path and file name
Specify the complete path that gives access to the application executable file.
Application arguments.
Start in the following folder
Inform a context directory for the application set on the 'Program path and file name' field.
Choose from the available list of resolutions including 'Fit to browser window' and 'Fit to screen', ideal for hiding the browser and working on a full screen mode.
Browser rules file
Sepcify the location of a file composed of a ruleset to adjust the remote desktop resolution according. .
Reconnection Timeout
Set a timeout in minutes if you want Thinfinity VirtualUI Server to wait this period before killing the application once the browser has been closed.
Timeout 0 will kill the application immediately after the browser has been closed.
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