Registry Virtualization
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Registry Virtualization allows developers to store end-user information in the Windows Registry in a secure and isolated way and to provide authentication-based registry entries.
Additionally, shared registry entries can be redirected to safer places in the Windows Registry.
Similarly to File System Virtualization, Registry Virtualization also involves two steps. The first one is the mapping definition, when the developer creates the relationship between an original registry entry and a redirected registry entry. The second one, the inclusion of the created mapping definition into the application program.
The registry mapping definition is a set of one to one redirection rules that link a real entry to the redirected entry.
There are two types of redirection:
· Shared: for all connected users.
· Private: for a single identified user.
Private redirection entries include the identified user ID appended to the redirected entry.
The configuration is done through the Registry Virtualization Editor, which will be installed with the Standard or server component installation.
Read more:
· Creating Registry Redirections