OAuth 2.0
OAuth 2.0 is a standard authentication method used mostly in social web sites. The user will have to enter their OAuth 2.0 (Facebook, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Google or other) credentials in order to gain access to a set of applications defined in Thinfinity VirtualUI.
An OAuth 2.0 authentication method can be added in the 'Authentication' tab of the Thinfinity VirtualUI Server Manager. Toggle their availability as an authentication method by checking or unchecking them.
When you add an OAuth 2.0 method you will be required to provide the relevant information. Check the complete reference in the OAuth 2.0 Authentication Method Settings. This information is also reflected in the OAuth2Models.ini file, distributed with the installation.
The user definition is completed through the mapping between the user ID returned by the selected OAuth 2.0 method (in the examples mentioned it's always the email) and a user registered for this Authentication ID Mask. The OAuth 2.0 method's credentials are mapped to Active Directory Objects in the 'Mappings' tab. Those Active Directory objects should satisfy the permission access rules of the applications that they are expected to get access to.
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