Radius Authentication Method Settings

When you use RADIUS as an authentication method, you need to set some parameters:


Choose a name to identify this authentication method.

Server IP

Enter the RADIUS Server IP


Enter the RADIUS Port

Shared Secret

Enter the RADIUS Shared Secret

Authentication Type

Choose your authentication type. The 'EAP' option stands for all the EAP authentication methods.

Test Configuration

Press this button to communicate with RADIUS and test the information entered in the above fields to see if it is correct. Oauth 2.0 Authentication Method Settings

When you use OAuth 2.0 as an authentication method, you need to set some parameters.

For predefined methods (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Dropbox), the only parameters you will need are the client ID and shared secret


Choose a name to identify this authentication method.

Virtual Path

Type a Virtual Path. If you access your Thinfinity VirtualUI URL followed by the virtual path:


the application will attempt to log in with this method.

Client ID

Enter your authentication provider Client ID, generated while configuring your account integration.

Client Secret

Your authentication provider's Client Secret generated while configuring your account integration.

In the 'Server' tab of the Authentication Method Settings, you will find that the fields are completed by default for the predefined methods. Like Google in this case:

When you add an Oauth 2.0 method that is not predefined, you will need to complete these fields.

Authorization URL

Enter here the URL where your authentication provider can be reached to request authorization.

Authorization parameters

Additional parameters for the authorization URL

Token Validation Server URL

Enter your authentication provider's token validation server URL.

Profile Information server URL

Enter your authentication provider's information server URL.

Login username value returned in JSON

The name of the login username field as returned in a JSON from you authentication provider.

Last updated