Creating jsRO Objects

As stated previously, the sjRO models are created in the application and then propagated to the browser, where they can be consumed from Javascript through a Thinfinity.sjRO class instance.

Let's see a complete example of this sequence:

Both examples create a 'ro' object, which has a 'text' property with the value: 'Hello!'.

Using Delphi, in the Create method of the form:

// Creates the remote object and its property
 ro := TJSObject.Create('ro');

Using C# (.Net Winform application)

// Creates the remote object and its property
 ro = new JSObject("ro");

Let's see how to work with this object from Javascript:

$(document).ready(function () {

 var jsro = new Thinfinity.JsRO();
 var ro = null;
 jsro.on('model:ro', 'created', function () {
 ro =;

Sequence diagram for the creation of an object:

Read more:

· Updating Properties

· OnPropertyChange(), OnSet() and OnGet() Events

· jsRO Remote Calls

Last updated