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Create a new directory and the web page where the application will run. You can use app.html as a template. In order for the application to work in the browser, the page must have, at least:
1. A reference to the thinfinity.virtualui.css stylesheet.
2. A reference to the virtualui.sdk.min.js javascript library.
3. A div named 'virtualui' that will work as 'desktop' for the application.
4. The necessary code to create an instance of the Thinfinity.VirtualUI class, with a call to the connect() method.
For example:
Starting from this basic page, you can change the windows' style, add new html content and interact programmatically with the executed application.
Thinfinity VirtualUI Server Page Load Acheme
In the previous example page you can see references to Thinfinity VirtualUI files (a stylesheet and a Javascript file). It's not necessary for those common files to be replicated in each virtual path folder.
The server will handle each http request from a virtual path in the following order:
1) Search for the page locally, in the folder assigned to the application's virtual path.
2) Search for the page starting in the Thinfinity VirtualUI root directory.
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